
Superconductors : transition temperatures and characterization of elements, alloys and compounds / editors, R. Flükiger, W. Klose ; contributors, R. Flükiger, ... [et al.]
(Landolt-Börnstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie / Gesamtherausgabe, K.-H. Hellwege ; Group 3 . Solid state physics ; Bd. 21)

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer , c1993-
分 類 NDLC:M5
大きさ v. : ill. ; 28 cm


3F subvol. b1: Nb, Nb-Ar...Nb-Ge 400||Lan||3/21B/1 10067254
3F subvol. b2: Nb-H...Nb-Zr, Nd...Np 400||Lan||3/21B/2 10067262
3F subvol. c: O(without cuprates)...Sc 400||Lan||3/21C 50001510


別書名 副標題紙タイトル:Landolt-Börnstein Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology
標題紙タイトル:Condensed matter
一般注記 Bibliography: p. 215-283(subvol. b1), p. 253-323(subvol. b2), p. 249-290(subvol. c), p. 281-327(subvol. d)
Group 3 title chenged to 'Condensed Matter' since subv. c
1 CD-ROM: (subvol. d), (subvol. e)
CD-ROM in pocket of end-paper
著者標目 Flükiger, R.
Klose, W.
書誌ID 1000015397
NCID BA21712728
