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Global analysis in mathematical physics : geometric and stochastic methods / Yuri Gliklikh ; translated by Viktor L. Ginzburg
(Applied mathematical sciences ; 122)

Material Type Books
Publication New York ; Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer , c1997
Classification LCC:QA1.A67
DC20:510 s
Size xv, 213 p. ; 24 cm

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421||Gli 10030708

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Other titles other title:Analysis on Riemannian manifolds and some problems of mathematical physics
original title:Анализ на римановых многообразиях и задачи математической физики
romanized title:Analiz na rimanovykh mnogoobrazii︠a︡kh i zadachi matematicheskoĭ fiziki
Notes "The first edition of this book entitled Analysis on Riemannian manifolds and some problems of mathematical physics was published by Voronezh University Press in 1989"--Pref. to the English ed
Includes bibliograohical reference (p. [203]-209) and index
Authors *Gliklikh, I︠U︡. E., 1949-
Ginzburg, Viktor L.
Subjects LCSH:Geometry, Differential
LCSH:Stochastic processes
LCSH:Global analysis(Mathematics)
LCSH:Mathematical Physics
ID 1000022464
NCID BA29154870

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