
Kinetic theory / S. G. Brush
(The commonwealth and international library of science, technology, engineering and liberal studies ; Selected readings in physics. Kinetic theory)
(International series of monographs in natural philosophy)

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press , 1965-72
大きさ 3 v. : illus ; 20 cm


3F v. 1 428A||Bru||1 10125995
3F v. 2 428A||Bru||2 10126001


一般注記 @@@98001622, 990810 v. 1 ==>BA29653553, v. 2 ==>BA32753013, V 3. ==>BA03704794
v. 1: The nature of gases and of heat
v. 2: Irreversible processes
v. 3: The Chapman-Enskog solution of the transport equation for moderately dense gases
Includes bibliographies
著者標目 *Brush, Stephen G.
書誌ID 1000013974
NCID BA03132067