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IEEE transactions on cable television

Material Type Journals
Year c1976-c1980
Publisher New York : Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Size v. ; 26-28 cm
Other titles abbreviated title:IEEE trans. cable telev
key title:IEEE transactions on cable television
variant access title:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers transactions on cable television

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1F 1-5 1976-1980 F1L16
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Please select year.Confirm a magazine published in the year.
1F 4-5 1979-1980
1F 4-5 1979-1980 20069993
1F 1-3 1976-1978
1F 1-3 1976-1978 20069985

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Other titles abbreviated title:IEEE trans. cable telev
key title:IEEE transactions on cable television
variant access title:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers transactions on cable television
Notes Quarterly
"A publication of the IEEE Broadcast, Cable and Consumer Electronics Society"
Available on microfiche
Authors IEEE Broadcast, Cable, and Consumer Electronics Society
Subjects LCSH:Cable television -- Periodicals  All Subject Search
ID 2000000325
ISSN 01473204
NCID AA00667707

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