
IEEE transactions on consumer electronics / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

データ種別 雑誌
出版者 New York : [Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers]
別書名 略タイトル:IEEE trans. consum. electron
キータイトル:IEEE transactions on consumer electronics
変遷注記 継続前誌:IEEE transactions on broadcast and television receivers / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers


1F 21-28 1975-1982 F1L17
1F 25 1989-1989
1F 25 1989-1989 20071353
1F 28 1982-1982
1F 28 1982-1982 20071387
1F 27 1981-1981
1F 27 1981-1981 20071379
1F 26 1980-1980
1F 26 1980-1980 20071361
1F 24 1978-1978
1F 24 1978-1978 20071346
1F 23 1977-1977
1F 23 1977-1977 20071338
1F 22 1976-1976
1F 22 1976-1976 20071320
1F 21 1975-1975
1F 21 1975-1975 20071312
