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Zagadnienia drgàn nieliniowych / Instytut Podstawowych Problemow Techniki, Polska Akademia Nauk

Material Type Journals
Year 1960-
Publisher Warszawa : Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe
Other titles abbreviated title:Nonlinear vib. probl
key title:Nonlinear vibration problems
other title:Nonlinear vibration problems - Polish Academy of Science Institute of Fundamental Technological Research

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3F 1-12,14-16,18-25 1960-1993 420||Zag

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Other titles abbreviated title:Nonlinear vib. probl
key title:Nonlinear vibration problems
other title:Nonlinear vibration problems - Polish Academy of Science Institute of Fundamental Technological Research
Notes Vols. 5- have also title: Nonlinear vibration problems
Vol.14-16,18-25 現物は図書扱い 3階閲覧室 420||Zag の棚に「Nonlinear vibration problems」の書名であります。
Authors Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki (Polska Akademia Nauk)
Subjects LCSH:Vibration
ID 2000000766
ISSN 00441597
NCID AA00757071

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