
IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

データ種別 雑誌
出版情報 New York
別書名 略タイトル:IEEE trans. instrum. meas
キータイトル:IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement
変遷注記 継続前誌:IRE transactions on instrumentation / Institute of Radio Engineers


1F 11-50,51(1-9) 1963-2001 F1R28
1F 50(4-6) 2001-2001
1F 50(4-6) 2001-2001 80053911
1F 50(1-3) 2001-2001
1F 50(1-3) 2001-2001 80053903
1F 49(1-6) 1999-1999
1F 49(1-6) 1999-1999 80044886
1F 48 1999-1999
1F 48 1999-1999 80035629 46 : 1997
1F 47 1998-1998
1F 47 1998-1998 80021405 46 : 1997
1F 46 1997-1997
1F 46 1997-1997 80015241 46 : 1997
1F 45 1996-1996
1F 45 1996-1996 20245015
1F 44 1995-1995
1F 44 1995-1995 20239901
1F 43 1994-1994
1F 43 1994-1994 20121265
1F 42 1993-1993
1F 42 1993-1993 20121257
1F 41 1992-1992
1F 41 1992-1992 20121240
1F 40 1991-1991
1F 40 1991-1991 20121232
1F 39 1990-1990
1F 39 1990-1990 20121224
1F 38 1989-1989
1F 38 1989-1989 20121216
1F 37 1988-1988
1F 37 1988-1988 20121208
1F 36 1987-1987
1F 36 1987-1987 20121190
1F 35 1986-1986
1F 35 1986-1986 20121182
1F 33-34 1984-1985
1F 33-34 1984-1985 20121174
1F 31-32 1982-1983
1F 31-32 1982-1983 20121166
1F 29-30 1980-1981
1F 29-30 1980-1981 20121158
1F 28 1979-1979
1F 28 1979-1979 20121141
1F 26-27 1977-1978
1F 26-27 1977-1978 20121133
1F 24-25 1975-1976
1F 24-25 1975-1976 20121125
1F 22-23 1972-1974
1F 22-23 1972-1974 20135745
1F 21 1972-1972
1F 21 1972-1972 20135737
1F 19-20 1970-1971
1F 19-20 1970-1971 20135729
1F 17-18 1968-1969
1F 17-18 1968-1969 20135711
1F 15-16 1966-1967
1F 15-16 1966-1967 20135703
1F 13-14 1964-1965
1F 13-14 1964-1965 20135695
1F 11-12 1962-1963
1F 11-12 1962-1963 20135687


別書名 略タイトル:IEEE trans. instrum. meas
キータイトル:IEEE transactions on instrumentation and measurement
変遷注記 継続前誌:IRE transactions on instrumentation / Institute of Radio Engineers
著者標目 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
件 名 MESH:Electronics -- instrumentation -- periodicals  全ての件名で検索
MESH:Equipment and Supplies -- periodicals  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Electronic instruments -- Periodicals  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Electronic measurements -- Periodicals  全ての件名で検索
書誌ID 2000000500
ISSN 00189456
NCID AA00667922
