
IEEE transactions on audio and electroacoustics / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

データ種別 雑誌
出版情報 New York : IEEE
別書名 略タイトル:IEEE trans. audio electroacoust
キータイトル:IEEE transactions on audio and electroacoustics
変遷注記 継続前誌:IEEE transactions on audio / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
継続後誌:IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing


1F 14-21 1966-1973 F1L16||A
1F 21 1973-1973
1F 21 1973-1973 20134920
1F 20 1972-1972
1F 20 1972-1972 20134912
1F 19 1971-1971
1F 19 1971-1971 20134904
1F 17-18 1969-1970
1F 17-18 1969-1970 20134896
1F 16 1968-1968
1F 16 1968-1968 20134888
1F 14-15 1966-1967
1F 14-15 1966-1967 20134870


別書名 略タイトル:IEEE trans. audio electroacoust
キータイトル:IEEE transactions on audio and electroacoustics
変遷注記 継続前誌:IEEE transactions on audio / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
継続後誌:IEEE transactions on acoustics, speech, and signal processing
件 名 LCSH:Electro-acoustics -- Periodicals  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Telecommunication -- Periodicals  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Sound -- Recording and reproducing -- Periodicals  全ての件名で検索
書誌ID 2000000254
ISSN 00189278
NCID AA00222653
