
Studies in the natural sciences

データ種別 図書
出版情報 New York : Plenum Press


1 v. 1 Impact of basic research on technology / edited by Behram Kursunoglu and Arnold Perlmutter [Contributors, John Bardeen ... et al.] New York : Plenum Press , 1973
2 v. 3 Fundamental interactions in physics and astrophysics / Editors: Geoffrey Iverson, Arnold Perlmutter [and] Stephan Mintz New York : Plenum Press , c1973
3 v. 4 Quantum statistical mechanics in the natural sciences : a volume dedicated to Lars Onsager on the occasion of his seventieth birthday : [proceedings] / conference chairman, Behram Kursunoglu ; editors, Stephan L. Mintz and Susan M. Widmayer ; Scientific secretaries, Mou-Shan Chen .. [et al.] New York : Plenum Press , c1974
4 v. 5 Fundamental theories in physics : [proceedings] / Orbis Scientiae moderators: Donald Glaser [and others] Editors: Stephan L. Mintz, Laurence Mittag [and] Susan M. Widmayer. Scientific secretaries: Chui-Shuen Hui [and] Joseph F. Malerba New York : Plenum Press , c1974
5 v. 7 Topics in energy and resources : [part of the proceedings of Orbis Scientiae held by the Center for Theoretical Studies, University of Miami, January 7-11, 1974] / Chairman: Behram Kursunoglu. Editors: Stephan L. Mintz [and] Susan M. Widmayer. Scientific secretaries: Chui-Shuen Hui [and others] New York : Plenum Press , [1974]
6 v. 8 Progress in lasers and laser fusion / Orbis Scientiae ; chairman, Behram Kursunoglu ; editors, Arnold Perlmutter, Susan M. Widmayer ; scientific secretaries, Uri Bernstein ... [et al.] New York : Plenum Press , [1975]
7 v. 14 New frontiers in high-energy physics / Orbis Scientiae ; chairman, Behram Kursunoglu ; editors, Arnold Perlmutter, Linda F. Scott ; scientific secretaries, Osman Kadiroglu, Jerzy Nowakowski, Frank Krausz New York : Plenum Press , c1978


書誌ID 1100001462
NCID BA01436184