
Lecture notes and supplements in physics

データ種別 図書
出版情報 New York : W.A. Benjamin


1 Plasma physics : an introduction to statistical physics of charged particles / Setsuo Ichimaru Menlo Park, Calif. : Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company , 1985
2 Elementary excitations in solids : lectures on phonons, electrons and plasmons / David Pines New York : W.A. Benjamin , 1963
3 Fundamental particles / K. Nishijima New York : W.A. Benjamin , c1963
4 Intermediate quantum mechanics / Hans A. Bethe, Roman W. Jackiw : pbk. - 2nd ed. - New York ; Reading, Mass. : Benjamin/Cunnings Pub. , 1968
5 15 Mathematical methods for physics / H.W. Wyld : pbk. - Reading, Mass. : W.A. Benjamin, Advanced Book Program , 1976
6 17 Atomic collision theory / B.H. Bransden 2nd ed.. - Reading, Mass. : Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Co., Advanced Book Program , 1983
7 The special theory of relativity / David Bohm New York ; Amsterdam : Benjamin , 1965.
8 Relativistic kinematics : a guide to the kinematic problems of high-energy physics / R. Hagedorn :,: pbk. - New York : W.A. Benjamin , 1963
9 Relativistic mechanics : special relativity and classical particle dynamics / [by] R. D. Sard pbk.,: pbk.. - New York : W. A. Benjamin , 1970
10 Fields and particles : field theory and dispersion relations / K. Nishijima : pbk. - New York : W.A. Benjamin , 1969


著者標目 Jackson, John David, 1925-
Pines, David, 1924-
書誌ID 1000063236
NCID BA00219646