
Densities of aliphatic hydrocarbons : alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes, and miscellaneous compounds / R.C. Wilhoit ... [et al.] ; edited by K.N. Marsh
(Landolt-Börnstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie / Gesamtherausgabe, K.-H. Hellwege ; group 4 . Physical chemistry ; v. 8 . Thermodynamic properties of organic compounds and their mixtures ; subv. C)

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Berlin ; Tokyo : Springer , 1996
分 類 NDLC:M5
大きさ 381 p. : ill. ; 28 cm


400||Lan||4/8C 10029056


別書名 背表紙タイトル:Thermodynamic properties of organic compounds and their mixtures
異なりアクセスタイトル:Landolt-Börnstein, Numerical data and functional relationships in science and technology
一般注記 Bibliography: p. 341-362
Includes index
著者標目 Wilhoit, R. C. (Randolph C.)
Marsh, K. N. (Kenneth N.)
書誌ID 1000060962
NCID BA28746502
