
Cherenkov counters: determination of energy and direction of elementary particles / V. P. Zrelov
(Cherenkov radiation in high-energy physics / [by] V. P. Zrelov. Translated from Russian [by Y. Oren. Edited by Benny Baruch] ; part 2)

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Jerusalem : Israel Program for Scientific Translations; [available for U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Va.] , 1970
分 類 LCC:QC490
大きさ xii, 249 p. : illus ; 25 cm


429B||Zre||2 10180792


別書名 原タイトル:Izluchenie Vavilova-Cherenkova i ego primenenie v fizike vysokikh ėnergiĭ
一般注記 Translation of Izluchenie Vavilova-Cherenkova i ego primenenie v fizike vysokikh ėnergiĭ
Includes bibliographies
pt. 1. Cherenkov radiation in isotropic and anisotropic media: theory and experimental verification
著者標目 Zrelov, Valentin Petrovich
件 名 LCSH:Cherenkov radiation
LCSH:Particles (Nuclear physics)
書誌ID 1000054620
NCID BA27495586
