
Linear theory / Victor P. Maslov ; translated from the Russian by M.A. Shishkova and A.B. Sossinsky
(Progress in physics ; v. 16 . The complex WKB method for nonlinear equations ; 1)

データ種別 図書
出版情報 Basel ; Boston : Birkhäuser , 1994
分 類 LCC:QC20.7.W53
大きさ vii, 300 p. : ill. ; 24 cm


3F : sz 418A||Mas 50000090


別書名 原タイトル:Комплексный метод ВКБ в нелинейных уравнениях
その他のタイトル:Kompleksnyi metod VKB v nelineinyh uravnenijah
一般注記 Includes bibliographical references
"Based on the book 'Kompleksnyi metod VKB v nelineinyh uravnenijah', originally published in Russian by Nauka"--T.p. verso
著者標目 *Maslov, V. P. (Viktor Pavlovich)
M.A. Shishkova
Sosinskiĭ, A. B. (Alekseĭ Bronislavovich), 1937-
件 名 LCSH:WKB approximation
LCSH:Differential equations, Linear -- Asymptotic theory  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Differential equations, Nonlinear -- Asymptotic theory  全ての件名で検索
LCSH:Mathematical physics
書誌ID 1000022508
NCID BA23448303
